I just freak out on chocolates. I love it in which ever way you serve it. Just the flavor makes me go crazy. This morning I woke up dreaming about some too!! I was delighted and absolutely ecstatic on the thought that today is Chocolate Cheese Cake Day. So I am all out to pamper myself with heaps 'n loads of rich 'n creamy fun! So come let’s share the yummy delight with our friends/ colleagues/ family/ beloved and send them tempting e-wishes through these sweet egreetings.
Sharing One With You ! Tell your loved one how the thought of sharing a cake with him/ her delights you

Send this eCard !Chocolateeee Treat... Share this chocolatey e-wish with all your family/ friends/ loved ones

Send this eCard !After I finish sending these ecards I wanna try out this lip smacking recipe.
White chocolate cheese cakeIngredients
1. Vanilla pod
450g/1lb soft cream cheese
2.25g/½lb crème fraîche
3.25g/½lb quality white chocolate
4. whole large eggs
butter, enough to grease the tin
biscuit crumbs, to dust over the buttered tin (use any type you love)
1. Beat the cream cheese in a bowl or using a mixer until soft, and then add the eggs one by one, along with the seeds scraped from the vanilla pod.
2. Melt the white chocolate over hot water, then fold in the crème fraîche until smooth.
3. Fold the chocolate mixture into the cream cheese mixture.
4. Pour into a lined cake tin and bang down on a firm surface to remove any air bubbles.
5. Bake in a low oven, 150C/300F/Gas 2 until the centre just wobbles and the top is golden brown. If the cheesecake does not color, do not worry-it is the centre that needs to be just firm.
6. Allow to rest for several hours to firm up, before turning out and serving.